
Employer Branding

Differentiate Your Business as an Employer of Choice

What is Employer branding?

Employer branding is the process of developing and promoting a company’s unique image, values, and culture in order to attract and retain top talent. This includes communicating the company’s mission, goals, and brand personality in a way that resonates with prospective employees. It also involves showcasing the company’s strengths as an employer, such as opportunities for growth and development, a supportive work environment, competitive compensation and benefits, and a strong company culture. 

It’s how a company presents itself as an employer to potential employees.

Through employer branding, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors and establish a reputation as a desirable place to work. An effective employer branding strategy should be authentic, consistent, and aligned with the company’s overall business objectives.

Where do we start?

Creating a compelling employer brand calls for a strategic approach and a multi-channel marketing effort. GrowMore knows how to manage everything from interacting with employees on social media and online job boards to managing employee advocacy programmes and employer review sites. With the help of our professionals, you’ll have an employer brand strategy that’s tailored to your company’s specific needs and objectives.

What are the benefits of Employer Branding?

By establishing a strong employer brand, you can attract and retain top talent in a competitive job market and build a positive reputation in the local community, which can lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Tap into the local talent pool and build a strong team

Georgia is home to a diverse and highly skilled workforce, and by showcasing your company culture and values through employer branding, your company can attract top talent from the region.

Establish your company as a leader in your industry

By promoting your company’s culture and values through various channels, you can position yourself as thought leaders and influencers in your industry. This can help attract customers, partners, and investors, as well as potential employees.

What are the channels for Employer branding?

To maximise the effectiveness of your employer branding efforts, we select the channels that best reach your target audience and align with your strategy.

Company website

A candidate’s first stop in researching your company’s mission, culture, and available positions should be its website. Branding yourself as an attractive place to work can be aided by a clear and comprehensive careers page on your website.

  • Opt-in pages
  • Landing pages
  • Contact forms
  • Vacancies
  • Internal and external job applying
  • Salary calculator
  • Information of any sort: about your company, about industry etc.
  • Email collection for using in email marketing campaigns
  • Restricted pages for registered users
  • Applicant tracking systems
  • etc

Social media

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are just a few examples of useful social media channels for employer branding. You can give people an inside look at how your business operates by sharing news, stories, and testimonials about company culture and employee achievements.

  • Consistent and engaging social media content
  • Social media advertising campaigns to increase reach and engagement
  • Social media contests and giveaways to increase engagement and brand awareness
  • Employee spotlight features to showcase company culture and values
  • Employer branding videos and images
  • etc

Job boards and online platforms

Your employer brand can reach more people if you advertise open positions on popular job boards. Using these channels, you can promote your company’s culture and values and attract potential employees.

  • Optimised job postings for search engines
  • Detailed company profile with information on culture, values, and benefits
  • Consistent branding across all job postings
  • Employer branding videos and images
  • Sponsored job postings to increase visibility
  • Integration with applicant tracking systems
  • etc

Employee testimonials and reviews

Encouraging your current employees to share their positive experiences working at your organisation on review sites such as Glassdoor or on social media can provide authentic and powerful testimonials about your employer brand.

  • Employee testimonials on company website and social media
  • Case studies on employee success stories
  • Participation in employer review sites to build reputation and respond to feedback
  • Surveys and feedback mechanisms to gather employee opinions and input
  • etc

Employee referral programs

Employee referral programmes can be a great way to use your current employees as brand ambassadors. Encourage your employees to refer their friends and contacts to your company to help spread positive word-of-mouth about your employer brand.

  • Incentive programs for employee referrals
  • Dedicated landing pages and application forms for referrals
  • Communication and engagement with employees to promote referral program
  • etc

Employer branding events

Career fairs, workshops, and other industry-related hosting or sponsoring events give you a chance to interact with potential candidates face-to-face and spread the word about what you have to offer as an employer.

  • Hosting and sponsoring industry events and conferences
  • Organising and hosting employer branding events, such as open houses or workshops
  • Participation in career fairs and job fairs
  • Sponsorship of student organisations or industry groups
  • etc

Content marketing

You can boost your company’s credibility as an industry leader and your employer brand by publishing and distributing high-quality content like blogs, articles, videos, and infographics.

  • Consistent and engaging blog content on company website
  • Guest blogging on industry websites to increase brand exposure
  • Whitepapers and case studies to showcase thought leadership
  • Infographics and visual content to increase engagement
  • E-books and guides on relevant topics
  • Press releases
  • SMS marketing
  • Digital banners
  • etc

Employer branding collateral

Brochures, flyers, posters, and other branded promotional items can be distributed at events, career fairs, and other relevant locations to increase brand awareness and attract qualified candidates.

  • Customised brochures and flyers promoting employer brand
  • SWAG designs
  • Branded promotional items, such as t-shirts, mugs, or pens
  • Presentation materials and slide decks for employer branding events and conferences
  • OOH advertising – Bus Stop l Metro l Billboard Designs
  • etc

Internal communication channels

Effective internal communication channels, such as company intranets, newsletters, and employee email communications, can help you consistently communicate your employer brand to your current employees, which in turn can help with employee retention and advocacy.

  • Employee newsletters and updates on company news and events
  • Employee intranet sites with information on company policies, benefits, and resources
  • Dedicated internal communication tools, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams
  • Internal social media channels for employee engagement and communication
  • etc

Why GrowMore?

GrowMore has helped several leading BPO companies implement effective employer branding strategies. When it comes to employer branding, our team of experts can guide international corporations through all the complexities.

At GrowMore, we take a personalised approach, working closely with our clients to develop unique and authentic strategies that align with their values and culture.

At GrowMore, we are committed to delivering results for our clients.

Our team works tirelessly to ensure that our employer branding efforts pay off in the form of increased interest in openings, higher quality applicants, and greater employee loyalty.

Are you ready to stand out in competitive job market?

Consider teaming up with GrowMore. We’ll help you stand out as an employer of choice by utilising our knowledge and tailoring our services to your specific needs.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

How can employer branding benefit my company?

By improving your ability to attract and retain top talent, increasing employee engagement and productivity, enhancing your reputation as an employer, and reducing recruitment and retention costs.

How long does the employer branding process take?

The employer branding process can vary depending on the size and complexity of your company, but typically takes several weeks to several months to complete. This includes the research and discovery phase, strategy development, content creation, and implementation.

How do you measure the success of an employer branding campaign?

We use a variety of metrics to measure the success of an employer branding campaign, including website traffic, engagement rates, social media followers, application and referral rates, employee satisfaction and retention rates, and more. We also conduct regular surveys and feedback sessions to gather insights from your employees and job candidates.

How do I get started with your employer branding service?

To get started with our employer branding service, simply contact us via phone, email, or our website contact form to discuss your employer branding needs and goals. We’ll schedule a consultation to learn more about your company and provide a customised proposal and timeline for the project.

Contact us today to develop your brand

GrowMore has a proven track record of successful cases, and our team of experienced professionals is ready to assist you in meeting your goals.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about our employer branding and how we can help your business grow.